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Yummy Yoghurts (Lower Key Stage 2)

Design Brief: Design and make a yoghurt-based food product for someone who wants a healthy breakfast. 
Strand of Learning: Cooking & Nutrition


In this unt of work, children create their own recipe, branding and packaging for a healthy yoghurt-based breakfast meal. This unit of work also includes learning about the importance of breakfast. Children learn how to make yoghurt and how a thermos flask helps to maintain the temperature of the yoghurt allowing the micro-organisms to create yoghurt from milk.

Applying their knowledge of a balanced, healthy diet, children design a layered breakfast pot of yoghurt, cereal and fruit. Consolidating their skills in food preparation, children use their design to make a healthy breakfast product.

Product Photo.png


Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides

  • Investigating Yoghurts

  • Breakfast Food Activity Sheet

  • Breakfast Food Images

Teaching Pack

  • 6 x Lesson Presentation Slides

  • Additional Presentation: Nadiya Hussein

  • Additional Presentation: Healthy Eating


PDF Worksheets

  • Eatwell Plate Activity

  • Layered Breakfast Design Sheet

  • Breakfast Product Taste Test


Medium Term Planning includes:

  • 6 x lesson overviews

  • Vocabulary List

  • Learning statements linked to Curriculum

  • Support and Challenge

  • Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum

Curriculum Scope and Sequence

Substantive & Technical Knowledge

Children will know:

  • The difference between a design brief and design specifications.

  • Design specifications describe how a product should be made, how it works or what it should do.

  • There can be a range of people and places that can be clients for a product.

  • Rules and procedures for keeping themselves safe when making products.

  • Design specifications are a list of success criteria for the product.

  • When evaluating products, it is important to use the design brief and the design specifications as a guide.

  • Peer review of their product is useful in identifying ways in which it could be improved.

  • About a range of inspirational designs and designers throughout history and use this knowledge to support their own work as designers.



Cooking and Nutrition

  • Food is either grown, reared, or caught for food.

  • The different food groups in the Eatwell Guide and how they feature as part of a healthy balanced diet.

  • That nutrients are substances in foods that living things need to make energy, grow, and develop.

  • The principles of a healthy and varied diet, particularly the importance of fruit and vegetables.

  • The importance of food preparation routines that are safe and hygienic.

Practical Knowledge (skills)

Children will know how to:

  • Conduct research, including consumer surveys to find out needs and wants of the client

  • Generate ideas for a product, considering its purpose and who the client is.

  • Design a product that meets client’s needs and the design brief.

  • Communicate and draw out their designs using three-dimensional techniques such as ‘crating’ and isometric drawing.

  • Use design specifications as a guide to the making process.

  • Follow instructions to ensure that they work safely.

  • Select suitable tools, equipment, materials, and components for the task.

  • List the ways in which a finished product meets the design specifications. 

  • Evaluate their product using a range of sources including client review, peer review, design brief and the design criteria.

  • Use consumer surveys to evaluate their finished product.


Cooking and Nutrition

  • Prepare food in a safe and hygienic way using appropriate utensils.

  • Create a healthy recipe considering the taste, texture, smell, and appearance of the dish.

  • Measure ingredients accurately

  • Follow a recipe to assemble or cook ingredients.

  • Shape food with accuracy for a desired effect.

  • Use measuring jugs, spoons and scales to measure ingredients with increasing accuracy.

  • Use a range of food preparation techniques when following recipes.

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